Aplication Of Crossword Puzzle Learning Media To Improve Students' Understanding In Class X Gography Learning Of SMAN 1 Matur
This research aims to determine the effect of applying crossword puzzle learning media to improve students' understanding of geography learning for class X SMA N 1 Matur. This research method is quantitative with a quasi-experimental type of research. This research was conducted at SMA N 1 Matur with a research population of all class X students of 152 students. Meanwhile, the research sample was determined using a random sampling technique and the results obtained were class XE-2 as a control class with 31 students and XE-3 as an experimental class with 30 students. Test scores are used to reveal students' level of understanding. The analysis technique used to test the hypothesis is the Mann Whitney test. The research results show that the crossword puzzle learning media has an effect on increasing students' understanding of geography learning with an average percentage of 23.83. This is also proven by the results of hypothesis testing using the Mann Whitney test with a significance value of 0.000, which is less than 0.05, which means that there is an influence of the use of crossword puzzle learning media on students' level of understanding in geography learning at SMA N 1 Matur.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/jlg.v4.i2.28692
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