Analisis bentuk tindak tutur direktif dalam film air mata di ujung sajadah

Syifa Aulia Nabilla


This research aims to describe the form and function of directive speech acts in the film "Air Mata Di Ujung Sajadah". This study used descriptive qualitative method. The object of this research is directive speech acts. The data source for this research is conversation activities between characters in the film "Air Mata Di Ujung Sajadah". The research instrument used in this research was the researcher himself. The data collection technique in this research is the Cakap Free Involvement Listening (SBLC) method. The results of research regarding the form of directive speech acts and their function in the film "Air Mata Di Ujung Sajadah" produced 18 data. Each speech act is divided into form and function. Such as command directive speech acts, request directive speech acts, invitation speech acts, advice speech acts, criticism directive speech acts, and prohibitive speech acts.

Keywords: directives speech acts, film, speech

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