Penggunaan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe NHT untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas dan Hasil Belajar Matematika

Eni Wulandari, Gimin Suyadi, Nur Hanurawati


Learning  done by the teacher is impacted on students’ learning success. Based on the experienced of learning in VIIIA class of SMP Negeri 1 Natar, the teacher is one of the sole source of information and learning dominate, resulting in low activity and the success of students’ studying mathematics. Action research is done to improve the activity and success of students’ mathematics learning through cooperative learning model type NHT. The measures are implemented in three cycles, each cycle consist of four meetings. The instruments used to collect the data in this study are in the form of students’ sheets activity, field notes, and tests. The tests are conducted each end of the cycle to determine the success of students’ mathematics studying. The analysis showed that the percentage of the activities and mathematics learning outcomes of each cycle are increased from cycle to cycle up to the third cycle. The conclusion of this study is the use of cooperative learning model NHT type can increase the activities and the success of mathematic learning the students of VIIIA SMP Negeri 1 Natar South Lampung.

Keywords: Cooperative learning NHT type, activity, learning outcomes.

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