Jeani Alfirahmadita, Samsul Maarif


Schools are closed in Indonesia cause COVID-19 Pandemic has been carried out until two months, not only in Indonesia in many countries also in closing temporary schools to control the prevention of COVID-19. Teaching and online learning are new experiences felt by teachers and students, with many consequences. This paper discusses the role of language in communication in learning mathematics. In the COVID-19 Pandemic, mathematical communication skills with the right language are needed in conveying learning, both in-class learning, text in books or assignments, and writing the sentence structure online on the screen of a smartphone or laptop. The goals of this article to know the role language use of teachers when communicating with students for learning in the COVID-19 Pandemic. This research uses a qualitative method. Data was collected through an online questionnaire, observation, and interview. The Goals of this study include that the role of language in online communication mathematics learning is very important to student learning outcomes. Students become more understanding when the teacher explains in the right language. Because learning in the COVID-19 Pandemic through online learning at home, students understand better if the teacher not only provides an explanation in writing on the screen but also the teacher provides a video explanation of the material, which makes it easier than bef6re for students to understanding the material.

Keywords: covid-19; e-learning; language; mathematical communication



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