Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Bahasa Lampung Berbasis Teams Games Tournament

Warsiyem Warsiyem, Farida Ariyani, Patuan Raja


The development research was conducted as an effort to answer the problems in the field that local government policy requires local content subject Lampung language, but the fact in the field the teaching materials that is suitable to the subject is not available.This research was using Borg and Gall research and development (R & D) models.The data averages of personal respondence text book using test are: 68.8, 71.9 and 84.4 (suitable). The small group data averages using test are: 73.4, 81.3 and 87.5 (suitable). The results of the first limited group and the seconds, both of them are 32 students, the data obtained averages 69 and 70.5 (suitable), and the using of text book by pupils is obtained from the quisioner result answer is 77.1 (suitable). Thus, Lampungs language text book based on team games tournament is suitable to be used as the students of grade VIII Junior High School Teaching materials.

Penelitian pengembangan ini dilakukan sebagai salah satu upaya menjawab permasalahan di lapangan bahwa kebijakan pemerintah daerah mewajibkan mata pelajaran muatan lokal Bahasa Lampung, tetapi fakta di lapangan belum tersedia bahan ajar yang memadai untuk mata pelajaran tersebut.Penelitian ini menggunakan model Research and Development (R & D) Borg and Gall. Uji pemakaian buku teks responden perseorangan diperoleh data rata-rata; 68,8, 71.9, dan 84.4 (layak). Ujicoba pemakaian kelompok kecil diperoleh data rata-rata; 73,4, 81,3, dan 87,5 (layak). Hasil uji coba pemakaian lebih luas kelompok kelas terbatas pertama dan kedua masing-masing berjumlah 32 peserta didik, diperoleh data rata-rata 69 dan 70,5 (layak), dan pemakaian buku teks oleh pendidik diperoleh data nilai rata-rata jawaban quisoner 77,1 ( layak) Dengan demikian buku teks bahasa Lampung berbasis teams games tournament layak digunakan sebagai salah satu bahan ajar siswa kelas VIII SMP.

Kata kunci: Buku teks, pengembangan, research and development.


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