Waljiemah Waljiemah, Sumadi Sumadi, Maman Surahman


The objectives of this research are to find out : (1) An interaction between the form test and cognitive style towards social towards science lerning achievement, (2) The defferences average of social science achievement between students which used essay test and multiple choice, (3) The differences average of social science achievement between students that used essay test and multiple choice which has cognitive style field independent, (4) The differences average social science achievement between students that used test and multiple choice which has cognitive style field dependent.This research used experimental design and factorial 2 x 2. The population of the research was 104 students of VIII B grade MTs Negeri Gunungrejo, Waylima Pesawaran which was divided into 4 classes. The sample used purposive sampling. The total of sample was 54 students consists of 26 students of VIII A and 28 students of VIII B. the instruments of the research are social science achievement and questionnaires. To analysis data techniques used two variance annova.The result of the research show (1) there is interaction between the form of questions and cognitive style learning towards student’s social science achievement Sig 0,000 < 0,05, average of students social science achievement that used multiple choices Sig 0,035 < 0,05 by the average achievement score is 69,50 and 64,33 (2) average of students social science achievement that used essay test is higher that multiple choice at students cognitive learning field independent sig. 0,00 < 0,05, by average achievement score is 76,00 and 59,39 (3) average students social science achievement that used assay test is lower than multiple choice at students cognitive learning field dependent sig. 0,034 < 0,05, by the average achievement score is 63,00 and 69,28.

Kata kunci : prestasi belajar IPS, bentuk soal, gaya kognitif.

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