Winda Darmayanti, Irawan Suntoro, Herpratiwi Herpratiwi


White soy beans (Glycine max (L.) Merill) and Mung bean sprout (Phaseolus radiatus) are kind of plant commonly used as food base because it contains lots of protein and carbohydrates.  These two biochemical matter is also needed in germination in which carbohydrates is dissolved into simpler concentration with the help of   α-amylase enzymes.  A kind of environment factor which influences germination is magnetic field radiation.  This factor is known not only for accelarate germinating process but also protein synthesis and activity inside the cell with various response for each plants.  The goal of this research are isolating and determinating α-amylase enzyme character in legum seed germination under magnetic field radiation treatment.  The research is held at Botanical and Biomolecullar Laboratorium Biology Department Math and Science Faculty Lampung University on May-July 2012.  This research is designed by Completerly Random Group Design with 3 replays as group and each group has 3 replays (triplo).

Kata kunci: kedelai putih, kacang hijau, enzim α-amilase, perkecambahan dan medan magnet

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