Juni Hartiwi, Herpratiwi Herpratiwi, Sudirman Sudirman


The aims of this research are to analyze (1) the lesson plan of teaching speaking through information gap tasks, (2) the implementation of teaching speaking through information gap tasks, (3) the evaluation system of teaching speaking through information gap tasks, (4) the increase of students‟ speaking using information gap tasks.This is a classroom action research which lasted in 3 cycles. The subject of research was ABA students, class D3BI1 consisting of 30 students 2011/2012 academic year. The data was collected by test, observation note and documentation. The data was analyzed into qualitative descriptive. The result of the research shows that; (1) the lesson plan was designed by using information gap technic with the procedure as follows; the 1st cycle every pair group work was asked to decribe and to tell about the picture, then they had an interview about the information. The 2nd cycle, students were asked to make small group work of 4-5 students, then by the representative, they chose one series picture, and they told the members about the picture, finally they told about their own activity. The 3rd cycle they were asked to have a pair group work and had a role play to perform the dialogue . The score for 1st cycle was 3.2, for 2nd was 3.7 and 3rd was 4. (2) The activity of the students increased every cycle for the indicators of activity, attention, cooperation, and responsibility. (3) Evaluation system of speaking skill test obtained good validity and good reliability. (4) Students‟ speaking skill of the 1st cycle was 20%, the 2nd was 50 % and the 3rd was 86 %. It means the students‟ speaking skill increased.
Key Words : speaking skill, information gap task

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