This study aims to analyze: (1) measures of learning, (2) the implementation process of learning, (3) learning evaluation system, (4) improved learning outcomes IPS class VII Secondary School District 8 Metro with cooperative learning Numbered Heads Together. Research using action research with three cycles, the first cycle of cooperative learning with LKS NHT, NHT second cycle of cooperative learning by using media images and worksheets, third cycle NHT type of cooperative learning, media images and teaching materials in the form of a summary of the material with LKS. The collection of data through observation and tests competency test and quantitatively analyzed descriptively.The results: 1) design lesson plans with worksheets with syntax NHT: NHT learning with worksheets at the start by forming a study group consists of 4 members of each group to determine the serial number of each member, the student forming discussion groups according to the rules / criteria of cooperative learning groups in NHT with LKS, guiding teacher study groups, student worksheets and assignment in active discussions, the teacher said the serial number on a randomized group, students answer according to the specified number of teachers, the students were able to present the results of individual and group discussions, teachers with students making inferences. 2) student learning activities of ten defined criteria, there are four of the most prominent activity is the ability to ask, dare express opinions, give feedback bold, daring to present observations and discussions. 3) evaluation of learning through teaching Social Sciences NHT implemented via compile phase grating problem, fill out a card problem, create test questions, and conduct tests students' mastery of skills indicators that have been learned. From the results of absorption tests indicate the end of each cycle there is an increase from cycle to cycle. 4) The results of student learning has increased, the first cycle to the second cycle of student learning outcomes increased by 9.67 from 48.39% in the first cycle to 58.06%, while from the second cycle to third cycle increased by 25.81%, from 58.06% in the second cycle to 83.87% in the third cycle, it shows more than 80 the number of students achieving a landslide victory over the completeness indicator.
Keywords: cooperative NHT, learning outcomes IPS.
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