Jurnal Pengembangan Profesi Pendidik Indonesia

Jurnal Pengembangan Profesi Pendidik Indonesia (JPPPI) or the Indonesian Educator Professional Development Journal is a forum for information and publication of research results and literature reviews for lecturers, teachers, and students. This journal is published by the Teacher Professional Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Lampung, with e-ISSN: 2776-303X. This journal is an open-access journal.

First published in 2021 with a frequency twice a year in May and November.

This journal accepts articles throughout the year and will review articles before publication.

Template of the journal can be downloaded HERE

DOI Journal: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/JPPPI

Focus and Scope:

EducationLearning Evaluation
TPaCKSchool Curriculum
21st-century learningClass management
Multicultural EducationElementary School Learning
LearningSecondary School Learning
Education policyHigh School Learning
Learning methodsHigher education learning
Learning Mediaetc ...

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Penerimaan Artikel


Kepada Yth. Peneliti / Mahasiswa / Guru / Dosen,

Jurnal Pengembangan Profesi Pendidik Indonesia (JPPPI) mengundang anda untuk mengirimkan artikel hasil penelitian termasuk penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) untuk dipublikasikan pada Tahun 2021.

Kirimkan artikel Anda melalui sistem.

Frekuensi: Dua bulanan

Subjek: Studi pendidikan, pembelajaran, Metode Pembelajaran, Media Pembelajaran, Evaluasi Pembelajaran berbasis inovasi pada upaya meningkatkan kualitas Peserta didik

Diterbitkan Oleh: Program Studi Pendidikan Profesi Guru (PPG) FKIP Universitas Lampung

Hormat Kami,

Editor JPPPI

Posted: 2021-04-29
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