The Effect of Guided Inquiry Learning Model in Improving Science Process Skills and Students' Learning Outcomes on Thermochemical Materials
This research was conducted to determine the effect of the guided inquiry learning model in improving science process skills and student learning outcomes and the correlation between learning outcomes and students' science process skills using the guided inquiry learning model. This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Pakkat, Humbang Hasundutan Regency in September-December 2021. This study consisted of an experimental class using the Guided Inquiry learning model and a control class using the Direct Instruction learning model. The data was processed descriptively and analyzed quantitatively using SPSS 20 for windows. The pretest data on learning outcomes in the experimental class was 29.28 and the control class was 29.71 and it was known that the average SPS value of the experimental students was 20.8 and the control class was 20.28. From the posttest data, the average value of the experimental class students' learning outcomes was 86.14 and the control class was 76. For the SPS, the experimental class students averaged 78.85 and the control class average was 71.64. Based on data analysis, it was found that the percentage of implementation of Science Process Skills with the Guided Inquiry learning model was "very good" because 85 Percentage of Science Process Skills < 100 and Direct Instruction model "good" because 70 Percentage of Science Process Skills < 85. It can be concluded that the learning model Guided inquiry is able to improve learning outcomes and Science Process Skills compared to the Direct Instruction model. Then from the Product Moment Correlation test with a significance level of 0.05, a correlation of 0.878 was obtained, so that there was a relationship between student learning outcomes and SPS. The contribution of learning outcomes to the increase in SPS is 75%.
Keywords: Guided Inquiry, Direct Instruction, Learning Outcomes, Science Process Skills
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