Development of Inquiry LKPD through Internet Assisted Learning to Train Science Process Skills

Rizka Anggraeni, Bertha Yonata


Pengembangan LKPD Inkuiri Melalui Internet Assisted Learning untuk Melatihkan Keterampilan Proses Sains. The research objective is to determine the feasibility of inquiry Students’ Worksheet (LKPD) through internet assisted learning in order to train the students about science process skills. The research uses a 4-D development design (Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate), but it was not carried out until the disseminate stage. However, the trial was limited to 12 students of XI MIA 4 SMAN 15 Surabaya who had not received material on reaction rates. The instruments used are consisted of review sheets, validation, students’ response questionnaires, tests (pretest and posttest) science process skills and students’ knowledge tests. The results shows that the Students’ Worksheet which developed is feasible to use based on the acquisition of a validation value ≥61% and the value obtained by ≥80 according to the school's minimum completeness criteria (KKM). The percentage of results of content criteria validation got 92%, conformity with the guided inquiry method get 93%, conformity with the component of science process skills got 97%, presentation got 93%, language got 93%, and graphics got 90% with very valid categories in terms of theoretical and empirical validity. Supported by positive student responses. The results of the knowledge test obtained the n-gain score by 0.98 in the high category. The percentage value of the science process skills test which includes the components of formulating problems, formulating hypotheses, identifying variables, collecting data, analyzing data and making conclusions respectively are 100%, 96%, 98%, 100%, 94%, and 96% with very high categories.

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