Siti Aisah, Ila Rosilawati, Tasviri Efkar


This research aims to describe the prediction and communication skill on acid-base material through application problem solving model to the cognitive students group with high, medium, and low category. This research used pre-experiment method with One Shot Case Study Design. The Subject in this research was class XI_science4 students of MAN 1 Bandar Lampungt academic year 2012-2013.  The data analysis used descriptive analysis.  The result showed: (1)Predic­ti­on skill, almost half students have excellent criteria and most students have good in high category; almost half students have good criteria, the rest of students have excellent, average, and poor in medium category; most students have good cri­teria, the rest of students have excellent, average, and poor in low category.  (2)communication skill, all students have excell­ent criteria in high category; almost all students have excellent criteria, the rest of students have good in me­dium and low categoryThe high category have predictin and communication skill more high than medium and low category.

Kata Kunci : problem solving, prediksi, komunikasi, kelompok tinggi, kelompok sedang, kelompok rendah

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Diakses tanggal 2 Maret 2013 dari


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