agnes triharwanti, ratu betta rudibyani, nina kadaritna


The purpose of this study was to describe the effectiveness of the learning model LC 3E classification in improving the skills of students in the subject matter of hydrocarbon. Population in this research is all the students class X SMA N 7 Bandar Lampung of the academic year 2011-2012 were scattered in nine classes, X1 to X9. The sampling technique used purposive sampling. A method of this research is a quasi of his experiments with non equivalent control group design. The effectiveness of the learning model LC 3E measured by an increase in N-gain significant. Based on the hypothesis testing is done, it is known that the class learning model LC 3E classification skills of students is higher than conventional classroom learning. Where the average N-gain classification skills students  for the experimental class and the control class, respectively 0.504 and 0.382. This suggests that the learning model LC 3E is more effective in improving students skills in the classification of hydrocarbon material.

Key words: learning model LC 3E, skill classification

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