Identification of Physics Learning Models in Improving Learners’ Creative Thinking Skills: A Systematic Literature Review

Amalia Nufus Sabila, Mustika Wati, Dewi Dewantara, Lasiani Lasiani


Learners' creative thinking skills are important to be trained in because they are the 21st-century skills that must be possessed by learners. This study aims to identify various physics learning methods that effective in improving students' creative thinking skills through a systematic literature review (SLR). This research was conducted by identifying research results from 32 scientific articles on physics learning published in the last ten years (2014-2024) using reputable databases such as Sinta 1, Sinta 2, Scopus, and Google Scholar. There were 13 Sinta 1 articles used. There were 19 Sinta 2 articles used. There were 8 Scopus articles used. The method used was to identify various physics learning models on creative thinking skills. The results showed that the learning models that proved effective in improving students' creative thinking skills were problem-based learning (PBL), guided inquiry, STEAM learning model, and project-based learning (PjBL) which included aspects of fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration. This study concluded that the utilization of innovative learning models in physics learning not only has a positive impact on concept understanding, but also encourages the development of higher order thinking skills, including creative thinking ability. Based on this SLR analysis, researchers or teachers can try to use PjBL in improving creative thinking skills.

Keywords: Conceptual understanding, Newton’s Law, Isomorphic question.


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Copyright (c) Amalia Nufus Sabila, Mustika Wati, Dewi Dewantara, Lasiani Lasiani

  Lisensi Creative Commons
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