Pengaruh Budaya Sekolah Terhadap Karakter Peserta Didik di Sekolah Dasar

Diah Ayu Sucitra, Hasan Hariri


In this era of globalization, the development of society is increasingly advanced along with advances in technology and information. However, this current of globalization can also have a negative impact on people's daily lives, one of which can cause the erosion of character values, especially for the younger generation of Indonesia. School culture is one of the efforts that can be made by schools in supporting the formation of the character of students. The purpose of this research is to find out how school culture influences the character of students in elementary schools. This study uses the literature review method. Data collection was carried out by reviewing and examining one by one the articles that had been collected on the same topic and had years of publication from 2018 to 2022. The reference articles used in this study were 10 national journal articles obtained from Google Scholar. It was found that school culture has a significant influence on the character of students, but the effect is not greater than other factors outside the research variables. So it is necessary to improve the school culture in order to achieve the goals of a more optimal school culture.


Keywords: culture, character, students, elementary school


DOI: 10.23960/jmmp.v10.i1.2022.03


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