The aim of this research is to know the influence of student's perceptions about entrepreneurship and family environment through self-motivation toward entrepreneurial interests . The research method is descriptive verification. Analysis technique is using linear regression with path analysis.The result of research showed: 1.There is an influence of student perceptions about entrepreneurship toward self-motivation 2.There is an influence of family environment toward self-motivation 3.There is direct influence on student perceptions of entrepreneurship toward entrepreneurial interests 4.There is direct influence of family environment toward entrepreneurial interest 5.There is an influence of the interests of self-employed toward self-motivation 6.There is an influence student perceptions about entrepreneurship toward entrepreneurial interests through self-motivation 7.There is an influence of family environment toward entrepreneurial interests through self-motivation 8.There is an influence of student perception about entrepreneurship and family environment toward selfmotivation 9.There is an influence of student perception about entrepreneurship and family environment toward entrepreneurial interests through self-motivation.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada pengaruh persepsi siswa tentang kewirausahaan dan lingkungan keluarga melalui motivasi diri terhadap minat berwiraswasta. Metode penelitian adalah metode deskriptif verifikatif. Teknik analisis data menggunakan regresi linier dengan analisis jalur. Hasil analisis menunjukan:1.Ada pengaruh persepsi siswa tentang kewirausahaan terhadap motivasi diri 2.Ada pengaruh lingkungan keluarga terhadap motivasi diri 3.Ada pengaruh langsung persepsi siswa tentang kewirausahaan terhadap minat berwiraswasta 4.Ada pengaruh langsung lingkungan keluarga terhadap minat berwiraswasta 5.Ada pengaruh motivasi diri terhadap minat berwiraswasta 6.Ada pengaruh persepsi siswa tentang kewirausahaan terhadap minat berwiraswasta melalui motivasi diri 7.Ada pengaruh lingkungan keluarga terhadap minat berwiraswasta melalui motivasi diri 8.Ada pengaruh persepsi siswa tentang kewirausahaan dan lingkungan keluarga terhadap motivasi diri 9.Ada pengaruh persepsi siswa tentang kewirausahaan dan lingkungan keluarga terhadap minat berwiraswasta melalui motivasi diri.
Kata kunci: lingkungan keluarga, minat berwiraswasta, motivasi diri, persepsi siswa tentang kewirausahaan
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