Ivan Putranto, Eddy Purnomo, Nurdin Nurdin


The background of this research was the lack of assessment of the affective domain of learning subjects IPS Terpadu, particularly the attitude of the students towards the social   environment in SMP N 2 Marga Tiga East Lampung. The objectives of this research are; student attitudes to environmental differences between students who are taught using a contextual model with inquiry model with attention to the learning interest of students. This research use experiment method. Samples were taken using Cluster Random Sampling. Data were analysed using Two-Way Variant Analysis test and T-test. This results; (1) there is a difference in the attitude of students towards the social environment in the IPS Terpadu learning between students who are taught using contextual model and inquiry model; (2) student attitudes towards the social environment in learning the lesson that IPS Terpadu using contextual model better than inquiry models on higher learning interest in students. Whereas, in the interest of student learning, students are taught to use contextual model lower than inquiry model; (3) there is an interaction between the learning models with an interest in student learning.

Kata Kunci: inkuiri, kontekstual, minat, sikap siswa

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