Kadek Mela Dwityaningsih, Arwin Surbakti, Rini Rita Marpaung


The aim of this research was to figure out the effect of Problem based instruction toward self-efficacy and student learning outcomes. The design of the research was pretest and posttest non-equivalent. The samples were students in class VIIA and VIIE Junior High School 1 Seputih Mataram that were selected by purposive sampling. Data of learning outcomes were obtained from pretest, posttest, and N-gain that were analyzed by Anova One way test. Qualitative data were learning outcomes and student self-efficacythat analyzed descriptively. The result showed that learning outcomesof experiment class was Medium criteria (57,73). The improvement of student self-efficacy in performance achievement aspects shown by the experiment class was General criteria (68%). Therefore, it can be concluded that Problem Based Instruction improved learning outcomes and effected significantly to improve student self-efficacy.

Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan model problem based instruction terhadap self-efficacy dan hasil belajar siswa. Desain penelitian ini adalah pretest-posttest kelompok tak ekuivalen. Sampel penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIIA dan VIIESMPN 1 Seputih Mataram yang dipilih secara purposive sampling.Data hasil belajar diperoleh daripretes, postes, dan N-gain yang dianalisis dengan uji Anova.Data kualitatif berupa self-efficacydiperoleh dari angket self-efficacy siswa yang dianalisis secara deskriptif.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil belajar siswa kelas eksperimen berkriteria sedang (57,73). Peningkatan self-efficacydalam aspek pencapaian kinerja yang diamati pada kelas eksperimen berkriteria pada umumnya (68%).Dengan demikian, disimpulkan bahwa problem based instructionmeningkatkan hasil belajar siswa dan berpengaruh terhadap self-efficacy siswa.

Kata kunci: hasil belajar, self-efficacy, problem based instruction

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