This research aimed to know the contribution of the expert team’s members in a Jigsaw cooperative learning to the student learning results. The design was descriptive correlational by purposive sampling so the students of class XI IP were choosen as the sample. The quantitative data are the pretest and postest scores and the qualitative data comprise the description of the correlation between the contribution of the expert team’s members and the home team’s learning results. The assessment results showed that all experts in this research gained modest contribution scores, most of the home team’s members (68,96%) and the expert team’s members (51,73%) gained moderate learning results. Moreover, there was relatively weak correlation between the expert team’s members’contribution and the home team’s learning results and there was moderate correlation between the expert team’s members’contribution and their own individual learning results.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan konstribusi anggota tim ahli dalam pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Jigsaw terhadap hasil belajar siswa. Desain penelitian adalah deskriptif korelasional dengan purposive sampling sehingga siswa kelas XI IP dipilih sebagai sampel. Data kuantitatif berupa nilai pretes dan postes dan data kualitatif berupa deskripsi hubungan konstribusi anggota tim ahli dengan hasil belajar tim asal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa seluruh ahli dalam penelitian ini memiliki nilai konstribusi yang tergolong sedang, sebagian besar anggota tim asal (68,96%) dan anggota tim ahli (51,73%) memperoleh hasil belajar yang tergolong sedang. Selain itu, terdapat hubungan antara konstribusi anggota tim ahli dengan hasil belajar tim asal yang tergolong rendah dan terdapat hubungan antara konstribusi anggota tim ahli dengan hasil belajarnya sendiri yang tergolong sedang.
Kata kunci: aktivitas, hasil belajar, kontribusi anggota tim ahli
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