Struktur Dan Komposisi Vegetasi Mangrove Di Kawasan Laguna Segara Anakan Cilacap
In coastal areas, mangrove communities have many functions economically, physically, and ecologically. One of the mangrove forest areas that is experiencing rapid decline in area is the Segara Anakan Lagoon, Cilacap. The purpose of this study was to determine the structure and composition of mangrove vegetation. Vegetation data was collected by purposive sampling method and each station was made 9 sampling plots. The results found that there are 12 species consisting of 4 major mangrove families, 1 minor mangrove family and 2 associated mangrove families. In general, the mangrove tree vegetation in the eastern part of Segara Anakan is dominated by Aegiceras corniculatum with an INP ranging from 38.99-67.23%, the middle part is dominated by Nypa fruticans with an INP ranging from 47.80-70.18% and the western part is dominated by Sonneratia alba with an INP of 56.32%. Environmental quality measures include water temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, soil pH, water pH, TSS, total soil N, organic C, soil phosphate still support mangrove life.
Pada kawasan pesisir, komunitas mangrove memiliki banyak fungsi secara ekonomi, fisik maupun ekologis. Salah satu kawasan hutan mangrove yang mengalami penurunan luasan dengan cepat adalah Laguna Segara Anakan, Cilacap. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui struktur dan komposisi vegetasi mangrove. Pengambilan data vegetasi dilakukan dengan metode purposive sampling dimana setiap stasiun dibuat 9 plot sampling. Hasil penelitian ditemukan 12 spesies mangrove yang terdiri dari 4 famili mangrove mayor, 1 famili mangrove minor dan 2 famili mangrove asosiasi. Secara umum, vegetasi pohon mangrove pada Segara Anakan bagian timur didominansi oleh Aegiceras corniculatum dengan INP berkisar 38,99-67,23%, bagian tengah didominansi oleh Nypa fruticans dengan INP berkisar 47,80-70,18% dan bagian barat didominansi oleh Sonneratia alba dengan INP 56,32%. Pengukuran kualitas lingkungan meliputi suhu air, salinitas, oksigen terlarut, pH tanah, pH air, TSS, N total tanah, C-organik, Pospat tanah masih mendukung kehidupan mangrove.
Kata kunci: mangrove, Indeks Keanekaragaman (H’), Indeks Niai Penting (INP), kerapatan, Segara Anakan
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