Asih budi kurniawati, Nopiana Nopiana, Suryadi Suryadi


Abstract. Early Childhood Social Behavior in Kota Agung Coastal Area. This study aims to determine the form of social behavior of early childhood in the Coastal City of Agung, Tanggamus, Lampung Province. There are four sub-focus of this research, namely (1) the form of teaching social behavior, (2) the process of cultivating social behavior, (3) supporting factors, and (4) inhibiting factors of children's social behavior. This research method uses ethnographic qualitative. The research subjects were children aged 5-6 years. The findings of the study are (1) the teachings of the social behavior of the Kota Agung coastal community, namely: Religion as a role model that must be obeyed, helping each other, feeling what other people feel, working together, and not taking other people's property. (2) The process of cultivating the development of social behavior is by exemplifying empathetic behavior in the classroom, giving appreciation to children who have a generous attitude, cultivating the talents of children and parents by setting examples of good behavior, caring for others in need, fostering a sense of kinship with visiting relatives' homes, applying cultural teachings in the neighborhood (3) Factors supporting early childhood social behavior are applying school rules that apply to shape children's social behavior, storytelling using various media, the existence of facilities and infrastructure to improve social behavior, cooperation good parents and teachers, providing opportunities for children to carry out social play activities with their peers, as well as having a proper playground for children, (4) Inhibiting factors are lack of social support from family, cannot accept other people in playing, wants to win se self-esteem, lack of discipline and lack of confidence.

Keywords: Social behavior, coastal, early childhood

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