Analysis of Entrepreneurial Interest of Final Year Students in the Economic Education Study Program of STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung

Dyanti Mahrunnisya, Nur Fitria


This study aims to determine the interest in entrepreneurship in final year students in the Economics Education Study Program. Indicators of entrepreneurial interest in this study are seen from internal and external factors, namely student attitudes towards entrepreneurship, student desire for entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial motivation, entrepreneurial preparation, readiness to compete, and readiness to face risks.  The instrument in this study is a Likert scale questionnaire distributed to 34 students through online media.  Furthermore, the data obtained are described using quantitative descriptive methods supported through the presentation of data in the form of pie charts. The results of this study showed that 34 students stated that they had pleasure in entrepreneurship, then 97% of students wanted to have a business. 94% of students have knowledge of entrepreneurship, more than 90% of students like to look for information about entrepreneurship. Profits are a motivation for all students to become entrepreneurs. 97% stated that they are ready to compete and 93% stated that they are ready to face the risks of entrepreneurship. The results above show a positive response, in other words, final year students in the Economic Education Study Program of STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung have an interest in entrepreneurship.

Keyword: Economic Education , Entrepreneurial Interest



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Economic Education and Entrepreneurship Journal
Gedung D Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Lampung Jl. Soemantri Brojonegoro No. 1 Bandar Lampung 35145