The purpose of this research is to reduce anxiety of the prospective students in facing the audition with college admission through counseling by using systematic desensitization techniques. The problem of the research was caused by anxiety in facing of SBMPTN. The reseacrch is a quasi experimental design with the type of pretest postest design. The subjects of the research were 8 prospective students who have high anxiety. The technique in collecting the data of the research was using quisioner. The result showed the anxiety prospective students that can be reuse systematic desensitization techniques, as evidenced from analysis of the data by using t-test. The pretest and posttest results obtained tcount>ttable (7,136>2,365). Then Ha is accepted, it means that desensitization techniques can be decreased anxiety prospective students in facing the audition with college admission year 2014/2015.
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengurangi kecemesan calon mahasiswa dalam menghadapi seleksi bersama masuk perguruan tinggi negeri melalui konseling dengan teknik desensitisasi sistematis. Masalah dalam penelitian ini terjadi kecemasan dalam menghadapi SBMPTN. Penelitian ini bersifat quasi eksperimental dengan jenis pretest postest design. Subjek penelitian sebanyak 8 calon mahasiswa yang memiliki kecemasan tinggi. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kecemasan calon mahasiswa dapat dikurangi menggunakan teknik desensitisasi sistematis, terbukti dari hasil analisis data menggunakan uji-t. Hasil pretest dan posttest menunjukkan bahwa thitung > ttabel (7,136 > 2,365). Dengan demikian Ha diterima, artinya teknik desensitisasi sistematis dapat mengurangi kecemasan calon mahasiswa dalam menghadapi seleksi bersama masuk perguruan tinggi negeri (SBMPTN) tahun pelajaran 2014/2015.
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