Dede Jihan Rasika, Muhammad Sukirlan, Ramlan Ginting Suka


The objectives of this research were to investigate whether or not storytelling technique  influences students’ speaking ability and to find out whether or not storytelling give positive respond in English teaching learning. The study employed one group pretest posttest design. Repeated measure t-test was used to analyze the data and the hypothesis testing was computed using SPSS version 15.0.

The result showed that storytelling technique is applicable to increase the students’ speaking ability, especially in terms of fluency, grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, and comprehensibility. In pretest students’ mean score was 49.13 while in posttest it became 62.86. in terms of  the aspects of speaking, it can be reported that students’ fluency increased from 9.80 to 12.26 (gain of 2.46), pronunciation increased from 10.00 to 12.53 (gain of 2.53), grammar increased from 9.86 to 13.00 (gain of 3.14), vocabulary increased from 9.60 to 12.40 (gain of 2.80), and the comprehension increased from 9.86 to 12.66 (gain of 2.80). The result of the questionnaires gave a very positive respond toward storytelling technique on students speaking ability. It can be concluded that storytelling technique gave significant influence toward students’ speaking ability and get positive respond.


Keywords: speaking ability, storytelling, storytelling technique


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