Rachmat Pradikta, Hery Yufrizal, Huzairin Huzairin


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi tindak tutur meminta dan strategi kesopan santunan yang muncul di dalam kelas. Peneliti menggunakan metode kualitatif dan menggunakan role play sebagai media untuk mendapatkan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada 19 ujaran yang termasuk kedalam tindak tutur meminta. Berdasarkan strategi tindak tutur meminta, sembilan ujaran (47,36%) termasuk kedalam strategi mempertanyakan kemampuan atau kesediaan pendengar, satu ujaran (5,26%) termasuk kedalam strategi pernyataan akan kemampuan dan kesediaan, satu ujaran (5,26%) termasuk kedalam per nyataan akan harapan dan keinginan penutur, dan delapan ujaran (42,10) termasuk kedalam strategi perintah. Berdasarkan strategi kesopan santunan, sebelas ujaran (57,89%) termasuk kedalam strategi bald on-record, dan delapan ujaran (42,10) termasuk kedalam strategi negative politeness. Peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa kecenderungan dari strategi meminta adalah dalam bentuk mempertanyakan kemampuan atau kesediaan pendengar. Sementara itu, strategi kesopan santunan cenderung muncul dalam bentuk strategi bald on-record.

This research was aimed at finding the request and politeness strategy appeared in classroom situation. The researcher used qualitative method and used role play as the instrument in the data elicitation technique. The result showed that there were 19 utterances that belong to act of request. Based on the request strategy, nine utterances (47,36%) belonged to questioning listeners ability or willingness, one utterance (5,26%) belonged to statements of ability and willingness, one utterance (5,26%) belonged to statements of speakers wishes and desires, and eight utterances (42,10) belonged to imperatives strategy. Based on politeness strategy, eleven utterances (57,89%) belonged to bald on-record, and eight utterances (42,10%) belonged to negative politeness. The researcher concluded that the tendencies of the request strategy was in the form of questioning listeners ability or willingness. Meanwhile, the politenes strategy tended to appear in the form of bald on-record strategy.

Keywords: request strategy, politeness strategy, classroom situation

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