Selvia Gustina, cucu Sutarsyah, Sudirman Sudirman


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis kesulitan siswa dalam mempelajari pengucapan bunyi-bunyi dasar Bahasa Inggris. Desain penelitian ini adalah studi kasus. Data dikumpulkan dengan menganalisa rekaman pengucapan siswa. Subyek penelitian ini adalah siswa-siswa kelas lima SD. Rekaman tersebut dianalisis menggunakan inter-rater reliability. Hasil analisa menunjukkan bahwa para siswa hanya mampu mengucapkan 27 bunyi dari 44 bunyi dasar Bahasa Inggris yang ada. Bunyi-bunyi yang sulit diucapkan siswa adalah: Consonants (initial /p/, final /b/, final /d/, middle dan final /?/, /?/, /?/, /v/, /?/, /, /?/, /z/, /?/ and /r/). Vowels (/i:/, /, /?:/, /?:/, dan initial /?:/). Diphthongs (/??/, middle and final /a?/, initial /e?/, initial dan middle /??/, /e?/ and /??/). Kesulitan mereka dalam mengucapkan bunyi-bunyi tersebut disebabkan oleh perbedaan cara pengucapan atau bahkan bunyi-bunyi tersebut tidak ada dalam sistem pengucapan Bahasa Indonesia.

The objective of this research was to analyze the elementary school students problem in learning English basic sounds pronunciation. The research design was case study. The data were collected by recording the students pronunciation. The subjects of the research were the elementary students grade five. The recorded sounds were analyzed through inter-rater reliability and it was found that all the students could only pronounce 27 of 44 English basic sounds correctly. The result showed that there are several English basic sounds considered difficult to pronounce by the students; they were: consonants (initial /p/, final /b/, final /d/, middle and final /?/, /?/, /?/, /v/, /?/, / , /?/, /z/, /?/ and /r/). vowels (/i:/, /, /?:/, /?:/, and initial /?:/). Diphthongs (/??/, middle and final /a?/, initial /e?/, initial and middle /??/, /e?/ and /??/). The students found problem in pronouncing those sounds which are pronounced in different ways with Indonesian or even the sounds are not found in Indonesian.

Keywords: pronunciation, consonants, vowels, diphthongs

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