Bassma Baligrna Sonjaya, Ag Bambang Setiyadi, Huzairin Huzairin


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah pelaksanaan 3 strategi active learning dapat membantu siswa dalam mempelajari kosakata dan mengetahuiefektivitas 3 strategi active learning dalam proses pembelajaran kosakata . Hasil dari siklus 1 penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kesulitan siswa berada dalam memperhatikan dan kesulitan untuk menghafal kata-kata baru, mereka merasa malu untuk mengekspresikan ide mereka. Hasil dari Siklus 2 siswa memperhatikan dan bisa menghafal kata-kata meskipun masih banyak siswa yang tidak bisa mengekspresikan ide-ide mereka. Pada siklus ke-3 peneliti menyelesaikan masalah sebelumnya dengan menerapkan strategi pembelajaran yang lain dan hasilnya siswa mulai untuk mengekspresikan ide mereka.

The objective of research is to find out whether the implementation of 3 strategies of active learning approach can help students to study vocabulary and also the effectiveness of 3 strategies in active learning approach in teaching vocabulary process. The result of the 1st cycle of the research showed that the students difficulties were in paying attention and hard to memorize the new words, they are also embarassed to express their idea. While in the 2nd cycle the researcher resolve the previous problem by implementing the different way in the learning strategies, and the result the students were paying attention and could memorize the words even though there were still many students who could not express their ideas. In the 3rd cycle the researcher resolve the previous problem by implementing another learning strategy and the result the students were start to express their idea.

Keywords : active learning, student centered learning, vocabulary

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