Improving students’ reading comprehension in narrative text through schema activation strategy at third grade at SMPN 1 Bukit Kemuning Lampung Utara

Muhammad Shalehuddin, Feni Munifatullah, Novita Nurdiana



The objectives of this research are to investigate whether there is a significant difference in the students’ reading comprehension achievement before and after the implementation of schemata activation strategy and which aspect that improves the most in reading comprehension after being taught schema activation strategy.

This research was conducted at the third-grade students of SMPN 1 Bukit Kemuning in the academic year 2020/2021. The researcher took class IX. The instrument used to get the data in this research was a reading comprehension test. Reading tests in the forms of pre-test and post-test were done to collect the data. Then, the t-test was used to test the hypothesis.

The result of the hypothesis test proves that schemata activation gives a positive effect on students’ reading comprehension achievement. In addition, determining reference was the aspect of reading skills which improved the most after being taught by Schema Activation Strategy. This evidence proved that teaching reading using Schema Activation Strategy facilities more in determining reference. In conclusion, this study suggests that Schema Activation Strategy can be used to improve students’ reading comprehension.


Keywords: improving, reading comprehension, schema activation strategy.


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