An analysis of students' grammatical errors in translating sentences from Indonesian into English based on surface strategy taxonomy towards Standard Gandhi English Course students

Dwi Dahlia, Deddy Supriadi, Dian Shafwati


This research aims to find out the type of grammatical errors frequently made by the students and to discover students’ problems in translating sentences from Indonesian into English. Moreover, this study used a descriptive qualitative study. In collecting the data, the researcher used students’ translations, open-ended questions, and interviews. The data were analyzed based on surface strategy taxonomy. They were classified into omission, addition, misformation, and misordering. The result of this study showed that misformation was the highest error that occurred in students’ translations. It was proven by the total number of errors made by 31 students are 445 items. Moreover, from 445 errors, the proportions of errors in their translations are omission error with 190 items (42.7%), addition error with 30 items (6.7%), misformation error with 197 items (44.3%), and misordering error with 28 items (6.3%). In addition, students’ problems in translating sentences are dominantly on grammar and vocabulary. In this case, by knowing the students’ grammatical errors and students’ problems,  the English teacher may use the information of students’ grammatical errors and their problems as guidance to evaluate the weaknesses or progress of the students’ ability in learning English, especially in their translations. Then, the students should practice English more in spoken or written form.

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