Improving students’ vocabulary achievement after being taught through Flashcard at the second grade of SMP Negeri 1 Palas

Singgih Hari Pangestu, Ujang Suparman, Huzairin Huzairin


The aims of this study were to find out whether Flashcard can be used to improve the students’ achievement of vocabulary significantly, and to find out which aspect of vocabulary improves the most after the students were taught using Flashcard. The achievement of vocabulary is essential in order to construct sentences that contain some messages for social interaction. However, most of SMP N 1 Palas faced problems in understanding the meaning of words. The population of this research was all students of second grade of SMPN 1 Palas in 2019/2020 academic year. The sample of this research was class VIII B of SMPN 1 Palas consisting of 30 students. This instrument of this research was vocabulary test. In this research, the writer administered vocabulary test to find out the students’ achievement of vocabulary. The data were analyzed by using Paired Samples T-test in SPSS 17. The average score of the pre-test is 65.60 and the average score of the post-test is 81.86. It could be concluded that the students’ achievement of vocabulary improved. After they have been taught through flashcard. The aspect of vocabulary that improved the most was noun. This is because most of the word are belong to the word noun that was familiar for the students, so it was not hard for them to learn in the treatment.
Keywords: vocabulary achievement, Content word, flashcard

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