The teacher’s questioning strategies and the students’ responses in the classroom interactions at the first year of SMAN 2 Bandarlampung

Uswatun Hasanah, Muhammad Sukirlan, Mahpul Mahpul


The current research was conducted to investigate: (1) the questioning strategies used by the teacher in classroom interaction, (2) the students’ responses of the questioning strategies in classroom interaction. The subjects of the study were an English teacher and 30 first year senior high school students at Bandar Lampung. This study was conducted qualitatively by using case study method. The data were collected through classroom observation and interview with students. The observation was used to collect the data of the teacher’s questioning strategies. The interview was conducted to elicit the students’ responses of the teacher’s question. The results showed that the teacher used five teacher’s questioning strategies in the classroom interactions, i.e., repetition, decomposition, rephrasing, code-switching, and wait-time. Wait time strategies were the most frequently used by the teacher. The students were found to have responded the teacher’s questions in forms of both relevant (77%) and irrelevant (23%). This suggests that the teacher’s questions were effectively addressed by the majority of the students.

Keywords: classroom interaction, teacher’s questioning strategies,  students’ responses.

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