Task-based instructions: Comparison of pre tasks between planning time and doing similar tasks in improving the students’ speaking performance

Desti Mulya Sari S., Ag. Bambang Setiyadi, Mahpul Mahpul


The current research focuses on the analysis of the implementation of task-based language teaching especially in the pre-task phase to  investigate which task result is better between doing similar taskand strategic planningin improving students’ speaking achievement in term of complexity, accuracy, and fluency. The research involved  two classes, experimental and control class. The researcher used random assignment post-test design. Based on the results, it is reported that: (1) there was significant difference on the students’ speaking achievement in term of complexity after having strategic planningtask; (2) there was no significant difference in the accuracy and fluency before and after the implementation of strategic planningtask; (3) there was significant difference in termS of complexity and fluency after the use of doing similar task; and (4) there is no significant difference in term of accuracy before and after getting the treatment of doing similar task.

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