A Comparative Study of Students’ Writing Competence and Strategies between Extrovert and Introvert Students at the Second Year of SMAN 1 Terbanggi Besar

Gilang Ramadhan, Bambang Setiyadi, Gede Eka Putrawan


Setiap orang memiliki tingkat kemampuan menulis yang berbeda-beda. Tipe kepribadian adalah salah satu penentu perbedaan tersebut. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji apakah jenis kepribadian introvert atau extrovert memiliki kemampuan dan strategi menulis lebih baik dan menguji hubungan kemampuan dan strategi menulis. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah tiga puluh dua siswa kelas sebelas SMA Negeri 1 Terbanggi Besar. Sebelum penelitian dimulai, subjek dikelompokkan menjadi dua kategori, introvert dan extrovert, menggunakan kuesioner Eysenck Personality Inventory. Data diambil menggunakan kuesioner Writing Strategies dan tes menulis. Independent group T-Test dan Pearson’s Product Moment for Correlation digunakan untuk menganalisa hasil tes dan kuisioner.  Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa siswa introvert lebih baik dalam hal kemampuan dan strategi menulis. Juga ditemukan ada korelasi positif antara kemampuan dan strategi menulis. 

Everyone has a different writing competence level. A personality type is one of the factors for those differences. The current research was aimed to find out the better group in writing competence and strategies between introvert and extrovert students and the correlation between writing strategies and competence. The subjects of the research were thirty-two students of SMA Negeri 1 Terbanggi Besar. Before the research was conducted, the subject was divided into two categories, introvert and extrovert, using Eysenck Personality Inventory. The data were collected by writing strategies questionnaires and a writing test. Independent class T-Test and Pearson’s Product Moment for Correlation were used to analyze the results of the writing test and writing strategies questionnaires. The result showed that the introvert students were better in both writing strategies and competences than the extrovert students. The positive correlation was also concluded between writing strategies and competence. 

Keywords: writing strategy, writing competence, introvert, extrovert

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