Improving Students’ Reading Ability Through ASK, READ and TELL (ART) In Cooperative Learning

Eva Mutiara Putri, Cucu Sutarsyah, Ujang Suparman


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mencari tahu 1) Adakah perbedaan pada kemampuan membaca siswa setelah di ajar menggunakan ART in cooperative learning, 2) Manakah yang lebih baik antara ART in cooperative learning atau ART saja, 3) Aspek membaca manakah yang meningkat lebih baik dan 4) Bagaimana persepsi siswa tentang ART in cooperative learning.  Dua kelas digunakan sebagai sample penelitian ini.  Instrumen yang digunakan adalah tes membaca dan wawancara.  Instrumen yang digunakan valid reliabel berdasarkan validitas isi, validitas konstrak, split half dan antar rater.  T-test digunakan untuk menganalisa data.  Hasil pretest dan postest menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan antara kemampuan membaca siswa sebelum dan sesudah diajar menggunakan ART in cooperative learning.   Peningkatan yang signifikan terlihat pada kelas eksperimen.  Aspek membaca yang paling berkembang adalah mengidentifikasi ide pokok.  Berdasarkan interview, ART in cooperative membuat siswa senang dalam membaca karena mereka dapat bertukar pikiran dengan teman mereka.  Guru disarankan menggunakan ART in cooperative learning dalam mengajarkan membaca.

The objectives of this research were : 1) to find out whether  there is any difference of students’ reading ability after being taught through ART in cooperative learning, 2) to find out which one is better, ART in cooperative learning or original ART, 3) to find out what aspect of reading improved better, 4) to describe the students’ perception of ART in cooperative learning.  Two classes were used as the sample of this study.  The instruments of this study were reading test and interview.  The instruments were valid and reliable based on content validity, construct validity, spilt half and interrater.  T-test was used to analyze the data. The results of the pretest and posttest were that there was different score after being taught by ART in cooperative learning.  Significant improvement was seen from the experiment class.  The aspect which was influenced the most was identifying main idea.  Based on the interview, ART in cooperative learning made students enjoyable because they could share their ideas with their friends.  The researcher suggests the teacher should use ART in cooperative learning in teaching reading. 

Keywords : ART,  cooperative learning, reading.


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