Teaching Vocabulary through Pictionary Game to First Grade of SMPN 1 Way Tuba

Rilly Yaumil Akrimah, Flora Nainggolan, Tuntun Sinaga


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada peningkatan pada kemampuan kosa kata siswa setelah penerapan teknik pictionary game. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 17 siswa tingkat pertama SMPN 1 Way Tuba. Test kosa kata digunakan sebagai alat untuk pengambilan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa adanya peningkatan kemampuan kosa kata siswa setelah penerapan teknik pictionary game. Dengan ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa teknik pictionary game dapat membantu siswa mengingat kosa kata dengan lebih mudah dengan cara menebak kata melalui gambar.

This study was aimed at finding out whether there was an improvement of students vocabulary achievement after the implementation of pictionary game technique. This research was quantitative. The subjects of this research were 17 students at the first year of SMPN 1 Way Tuba. A vocabulary test was administered as the instrument of this research. The result showed that there was an improvement of students vocabulary achievement after the implementation of pictionary game technique. This suggests that pictionary game technique facilitates the students to acquire the vocabulary more easily.

Keywords: game, pictionary, vocabulary.

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