Designing L2-Based Communication Strategies Teaching for Speaking Class

Nuh Sunyoto, Ag. Bambang Setiyadi, Muhammad Sukirlan


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui prestasi berbicara siswa setelah diajar L2-based communication strategies (CSs), (2) mengetahui frekuensi penggunakan CSs oleh siswa, Penelitian ini melibatkan 36 siwa. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan t-test. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa (1) ada peningkatan prestasi berbicara siswa. Semua aspek berbicara; tatabahasa, pelafalan, kosa kata, kelancaran, dan pemahaman meningkat secara nyata, terutama pada aspek kosa kata, (2) setelah dilatih siswa lebih sering menggunakan CSs. Dalam penelitian ini komunikasi lisan sebagai alat utama untuk meneliti unjuk kerja siswa. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengajaran CSs efektif untuk pembelajaran berbicara siswa.

This research is intended (1) to investigate students speaking skills after being taught L2-based communication strategies (CSs), (2) to find out students frequency of using CSs. This research involves 36 students. The data were analyzed using t-test. The results of the research showed that (1) there is significant increase in the students speaking skills. All of the aspects of speaking; grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension increase significantly, mainly for the aspect of vocabulary. (2) The students more frequently use CSs after the training. In this research, oral communication is the main tool which is used to investigate participants performance. Therefore, it can be concluded that teaching CSs is effective for speaking class.

Keywords : appeal for assistance, approximation, circumlocution, communication strategies.

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