Monitoring and Its Influence on the Learning Process of High School Students in Improving Knowledge: A Comprehensive Study
Abstract: Monitoring and Its Influence on the Learning Process of High School Students in Improving Knowledge: A Comprehensive Study. Objective: of this study was to analyze the influence of teacher performance in implementing learning to high school students. Learning problems will arise if teachers do not carry out monitoring tasks on classroom teaching seriously. Very many administrative tasks make teachers busy with administrative and bureaucratic activities. However, in reality there are 24% happy with a lot of administration and forget the actual task. Another fact, there are 68.8% of students who think that high school teachers have performance below expectations. This is urgent to be studied because there is a difference between theory and expectations. Method: research used is a quantitative approach survey. The number of samples in this study was 330 high school students located in the Jakarta area. Data collection techniques with instruments in the form of statements about the implementation of the learning process and teacher monitoring in the learning process at school. Samples were selected randomly from all schools in Jakarta. Anyone who was found and willing to be a respondent. The analysis technique with descriptive statistics with the help of SPSS Version 25.0 and the instruments built consisted of Daily Learning Plans, material delivery, questioning techniques, student involvement, reinforcement, training and student assignments, training checks and closing. Results: found that teachers in schools monitored but not optimally. Found from student assessments of the teaching and learning process and only focused on completing the material. But overall, it is still in a reasonable stage. Conclusion: planning, implementation and evaluation must continue to be carried out by teachers to increase students' interest in learning.
Keywords: learning management, teaching program, secondary school teachers, implementation.
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