Evaluation of Blended Learning-Based Education Implementation in FKIP Unila
Abstract Evaluation of Blended Learning Implementation in Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Lampung. Objectives This study aims to evaluate the implementation of an online blended learning namely Edusmart as a support for face-to-face lectures at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Lampung (FKIP UNILA). Methods This study used a qualitative descriptive research method using three instruments, namely the observation guidelines, interviews and questionnaires. The subjects in this study were lecturers, students and helpdesk admin in FKIP UNILA. Data were collected in accordance with the object of research, namely to describe the implementation of blended learning through observation, interviews and questionnaires related to the responses of lecturers and students. Findings The results showed that the implementation of blended learning had a positive impact and received good responses from lecturers and students. Students and lecturers are actively involved in learning activities, both online and face-to-face.
Keywords evaluation, implementation, blended learning.
Abstrak Evaluasi Penerapan Blended Learning di Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Lampung. Tujuan Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pelaksanaan system perkuliahan secara online berbasis blended learning bernama edusmart sebagai pendukung perkuliahan tatap muka di FKIP Universitas Lampung. Metode Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan tiga instrumen yakni pedoman observasi, wawancara, dan angket. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah dosen, mahasiswa dan admin helpdesk di lingkungan FKIP UNILA. Data dikumpulkan sesuai dengan objek penelitian yaitu untuk mendeskripsikan implementasi blended learning melalui observasi, wawancara, dan angket yang berakaitan dengan respon dosen dan mahasiswa. Temuan Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi blended learning berdampak positif serta mendapatkan respon yang baik dari dosen maupun mahasiswa. Mahasiswa dan dosen terlibat aktif dalam kegiatan pembelajaran, baik itu secara online maupun tatap muka.
Kata kunci evaluasi, implementasi, blended learning.
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