Evi Candra Monica, Nurain Suryadinata, Nurul Farida


The purpose of the development of this mathematics module is to produce products in the form of mathematical modules based on Search, Solve, Create, and Share (SSCS) material that is valid and practical. The type of research that is used is research and development (R&D). The model that is used is the R&D model developed by Sugiyono who has been modified. The stages which are used in this development research only stage 1 through 7. The instruments which are used were expert validation questionnaire and questionnaire response of students. Based on the results of expert validation obtained the results of the validation of material expert 78,84% (decent categories), linguists expert 85% (category of very feasible) and design expert 83,6% (a very feasible category), so that the overall percentage of the validator obtained a total percentage of 82,48% (very feasible category). The results of the small group trial were obtained from the response of students of the mathematics module was 84% (a very practical category). Based on the results, it can be concluded that the SSCS-based mathematics module material for students’ questions in SMA Negeri 1 Metro is very feasible and very practical to be used as a source of learning mathematics, especially circle material.

Keyword:  circle; modules; SSCS models






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