The effectiveness of using word chain games towards the students’ vocabulary mastery at SMPN 26 Bandar Lampung

Heny Cahaya Meidina, Muhammad Sukirlan, Lilis Sholihah


The research aimed to find out whether there was a significant effect of using word chain games towards students’ vocabulary mastery in the teaching-learning process. This research was conducted on the eight grade students of SMPN 26 Bandar Lampung in the academic year 2021/2022 in the second semester. Class VIII B consisting of 28 students was chosen as the sample of this research. This research was quantitative. The design used was one group pre-test and post-test. The instrument was a vocabulary test that consisted of two parts that were pre-test and a post-test and the data were analyzed using the Paired Sample t-test in SPSS 23. The results showed that the students’ mean score on the pre-test was 41.00 and the mean score on the post-test was 68.43. Besides, the improvement of students’ mean scores from the pre-test to the post-test was 27.42 and the p-value of a significant level was 0.000 which was lower than 0.05. Therefore, H1 is accepted that there is a significant effect of using word chain games towards students’ vocabulary mastery.

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