The comparative study on students’ speaking ability of analytical exposition text between students with extrovert and introvert personality through role-play technique

Alfilia Sanjaya, Ag Bambang Setiyadi, Feni Munifatullah


The objectives of the study were to find out the difference of speaking achievement of analytical exposition text between students with extrovert and introvert personalities who were taught through role-play technique and to find out extrovert and introvert students' perception toward role-play technique. The subject of the research was the second-grade students of Senior High School 1 Gedongtataan. XI Science 1 was chosen as the experimental class and there was no control class. A set of the questionnaire of personality was used to classify students into the introvert and extrovert groups. Independent group T-Test was applied in this research. The result indicated that there was no statistically significant difference in speaking achievement between students with introvert and extrovert students after being taught through role-play technique since the significant value was higher than 0,05 (0.799). It was assumed that personality was not the only factor that influences students' speaking achievement and role-play was a structured-task. Besides, a set of the questionnaire of students' perception was used to find out the students' perception toward the role-playing technique. It was found students' positive perception although there were some problems during the implementation of the role-play technique. Thus, it was suggested for English Teachers who wanted to implement a role-playing technique to make a setting like in the real-life and allow students to modify the task.

Keywords: speaking achievement, analytical exposition text, extrovert and introvert students, role-play

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