The Use of Task Complexity in Written Data

Imelda Ayu Mustika, Mahpul Mahpul, Muhammad Sukirlan


Penelitian ini bertujuan i) untuk menginvestigasi efek dari jenis task yang komplex terhadap hasil menulis siswa dalam bentuk kompleksitas, akurasi, dan kelancaran, ii) untuk mencari perbedaan aspek yang siknifikan di setiap tugas. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah murid-murid SMAN 7Bandar Lampung. Alat yang digunakan adalah tiga jenis task menulis yang dimanipulasi dan dikombinasikan antara ‘resource directing’ i.e. –few elements,-there and then, -reasoning demands) dan resource depleting (+planning, +single task, +prior knowledge). Hasil nya menunjukan bahwa task yang dibuat ‘reasoning demands’ berpengaruh dikompleksitas dan kelancaran. Lalu, task yang berbentuk ‘there and then’ mempunyai pengaruh yang positif di keakurasian hasil menulis siswa. ii). Aspek CAF di task 3 dan task 2 memiliki perbedaan yang siknifikan dari task 1. Bisa disimpulkan bahwa memanipulasi dan menggabungkan ‘resource directing dan resource depleting’ mempunyai efek yang positif dan juga siknifikan terhadap hasil menulis siswa.

This study was aimed i)to investigate the effect of types of task complexity in students’ written performance in terms of complexity, accuracy, and fluency, ii) to find out the significant different aspect of task. The subjects of this research were the tenth grade students of SMAN 7Bandar Lampung. The instruments were three types of written task that manipulated and combined along resource directing (i.e. –few elements,-there and then, -reasoning demands) and resource depleting (+planning, +single task, +prior knowledge).The result showed that i)the task which was designed -reasoning demands affected on complexity and fluency.Then, the task in form of -there and then had positive effect on accuracy in student written performance. ii) The aspect of CAF in task 3 and task 2 had significant different than task 1.  It can be said that manipulating and combining resource directing and resource depleting had positive and significant effect in students’ written performance.

Keywords: CAF, resource directing-resource depleting , task complexity.

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