The Implementation of Contextual Teaching and Learning in Teaching Speaking

Rima Wati Arifin, Sudirman Sudirman, Ramlan Ginting Suka


Penelitian tindakan kelas ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui apakah penerapan CTL dapat meningkatkan prestasi berbicara siswa, partisipasi siswa dalam proses pembelajaran, prestasi guru. Penelitian ini mengunakan prosedur penelitian tindakan kelas. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah murid kelas X TKJ 1 SMK Persada Bandar Lampung yang berjumlah 22 murid. Tes berbicara dan pengamatan digunakan sebagai alat pengambilan data. Hasilnya menunjukan bahwa penerapan CTL dapat meningkatkan prestasi berbicara siswa, partisipasi siswa dan prestasi guru.

This classroom action research was to find out whether the implementation of Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL) improved the students speaking achievement, students participation in teaching learning process, and teachers performance. This research used the procedure of classroom action. The subjects of this research were 22 students of the second grade of X TKJ 1SMK PERSADA Bandar Lampung. The data were collected through the speaking test and observation.The result showed that the implementation of CTL significantly improved the students speaking achievement, students participation, and teachers performance.

Keywords: contextual teaching andlearning, implementation, teaching speaking.

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