Septi Wulandari, Sugiyanto Sugiyanto, Syaifuddin Latif


The problems of this research were low activity, learning result, and teacher’s performance. The aims of this research are to increase activity, learning result, and teacher’s performance grade IVC elementary school 4 Natar with theme Indahnya Negeriku through brainstorming method. The design of this research is classroom action research. Data were obtained through observation paper and test learning result. Analyzed data with qualitative and quantitative. Research result indicated can increase activity, learning result, and teacher’s performance. It can be seen from percentage activity in the first cycle (43,48%), second cycle (65,22%), third cycle (82,61%). Percentage affective learning result in the first cycle (69,57%), second cycle (73,91%), third cycle (82,61%). Percentage psychomotor learning result in the first cycle (52,17%), second cycle (69,57%), third cycle (78,26%). Percentage cognitive learning result in the first cycle (39,13%), second cycle (78,26%), third cycle (86,96%). The value of teacher's performance in the first cycle (66,15), second cycle (77,08), third cycle (81,25).

Masalah penelitian ini adalah rendahnya aktivitas, hasil belajar, dan kinerja guru. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk meningkatkan aktivitas, hasil belajar, dan kinerja guru kelas IVC SD Negeri 4 Natar tema Indahnya Negeriku melalui metode brainstorming. Desain penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui lembar observasi dan tes hasil belajar. Analisis data menggunakan analisis kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan aktivitas, hasil belajar, dan kinerja guru dapat ditingkatkan. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari persentase aktivitas siklus I (43,48%), siklus II (65,22%), siklus III (82,61%). Persentase hasil belajar sikap siklus I (69,57%), siklus II (73,91%), siklus III (82,61%). Persentase hasil belajar keterampilan siklus I (52,17%), siklus II (69,57%), siklus III (78,26%). Persentase hasil belajar pengetahuan siklus I (39,13%), siklus II (78,26%), siklus III (86,96%). Sementara, nilai kinerja guru siklus I (66,15), siklus II (77,08), sikus III (81,25).

Kata kunci: aktivitas, brainstorming, hasil belajar



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