Pengaruh Lingkungan Tempat Tinggal dan Motivasi Belajar terhadap Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik Kelas VI di SD Negeri 1 Bakauheni

Amrina Izzatika, Ika Wulandari Utamining Tias


The issue in this research is there are is less supportive and the learning motivation of students is low, and that causing low students learning outcomes learning. The purpose of this study was to obtain empirical results about the effect of the living environment and learning motivation on the learning outcomes of students class 6 th at SD Negeri 1 Bakauheni. Type of research that is used by the researchist is the quantitative analysis. The method is ex-post-facto, by using the total sampling, which the subject is the students class 6th. The data collecting method is using the questionnaire instrument and mid-semester asessment documentation. Data analysis is using simple linear regression. The results showed that: 1. The living environment had no effect on the learning outcomes of students class 6th at SD Negeri 1 Bakauheni, 2. Motivation to learn had effect on the learning outcomes of students class 6th at SD Negeri 1 Bakauheni.

Keywords: living environment, learning motivation, learning outcomes


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