Ahmad Syarqawi, Toni Nasution


Learning in elementary school serves as an important foundation in formal education because it is the beginning of providing basic skills such as reading, writing, and arithmetic, as well as character building. At this stage, children are taught moral values, ethics, and discipline, which shape their attitudes and behavior in the future. It is also a crucial moment for children's social and emotional development as they begin to learn to cooperate with peers, appreciate differences, and follow rules. However, the implementation of learning in elementary schools often faces various challenges that can affect the effectiveness of the teaching and learning process and the achievement of learning objectives. This article discusses some of the main issues encountered in elementary school learning, such as teacher quality, infrastructure, parental involvement, and a curriculum that is not fully aligned with the needs of students, necessitating solutions. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the existing challenges and offer some recommendations to address these problems and their solutions.

Keywords: Learning, Elementary School, Educational Issues, Teacher, Curriculum

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Elementary: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Sekolah Dasar

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