Abdurrahman Abdurrahman


This research aimed to identify a set of Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) components which were developed through quantum physics instructions based on multiple representation approach. Participants involved in this research were 37 pre-service physics teachers who were enrolled in a quantum Physics course. During the course, pre-service physics teachers were trained to develop their PCK in every learning sequence indirectly. Data were collected via recordings of observation, quantum physics understanding survey, and indepth-interview related to learning strategies. The results revealed that the pre-service physics teachers’s PCK components have been identified and shaped their knowledge and beliefs of pre-servive physiscs students indirectly about how to prepare effective teaching and learning. Moreover, the instruction enhanced quantum Physics conceptual understanding significantly.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi sejumlah komponen Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) yang dikembangkan dari implementasi pembelajaran fisika kuantum berbasis pendekatan multirepresentasi. Selama perkuliahan mahasiswa secara tidak langsung dilatih mengembangkan kemampuan PCK dalam tiap sekuen pembelajaran berbasis multirepresentasi. Mahasiswa calon guru fisika yang terlibat dalam penelitian ini 37 orang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, survei penguasaan konten fisika kuantum, dan wawancara mendalam terkait dengan strategi pembelajaran. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa telah teridentifikasi sejumlah komponen PCK yang secara tidak langsung membentuk pola pengetahuan dan kayakinan calon guru fisika tentang bagaimana mengembangkan pembelajaran yang lebih efektif. Selain itu terjadi peningkatan penguasaan konten fisika kuantum mahasiswa secara signifikan.

Kata kunci : calon guru fisika, multirepresentasi, pedagogical content knowledge.

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