Syarifuddin Dahlan


Abstract: The Application Pattern of Carreer Guidance and Counseling at Senior High School. This study was applied to describe the pattern of carreer guidance and counseling at senior high school. This research was conducted at some senior high schools in Bandar Lampung and involved 19 school counselors. Application carreer guidance and counseling data was gained by interview and distributing questionnaire to those school counselors. Researcher used qualitative descriptive method to analyze data. The result showed that the application pattern of carreer guidance and counseling provided by senior high school counselor generally started by giving interest questionnaire of major, or psychology test, carrer information (education type or major) to students, doing assessment toward academic achievement score in report book, and deciding students’ major. The routine and service intensity are still lack, the target is limited, and media usage is not optimal yet. Based on this finding it is better to do knowledge refreshment about carreer guidance and counseling application professionally to counselors and have special study about alternative service way which is effective and suitable to the population.

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