A Causal-Comparative Analysis on the Integration of Bionic Fonts in Science Reading Materials
Abstract: A Causal-Comparative Analysis on the Integration of Bionic Fonts in Science Reading Materials. Objectives: The study aimed to evaluate the effect of Bionic fonts on reading speed and comprehension levels among Filipino 10th grade students. Methods: The study involved 490 Filipino 10th graders, utilizing Mann-Whitney U-tests for quantitative analysis and thematic analysis for student attitudes towards Bionic fonts. Findings: The study found comparable reading speed and comprehension levels in Bionic and Traditional font groups, with most participants categorized as "Slow Readers" with "Instructional" or "Frustration" levels. The Mann-Whitney U-tests also showed no significant differences in reading speed or comprehension. Conclusion: The findings called into question previous claims about the consistent benefits of Bionic Fonts, highlighting the necessity of tailored font designs for optimal reading experiences, especially in scientific contexts.
Keywords: bionic fonts, bionic reading, reading speed, reading comprehension, science educational materials.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/jpp.v14.i1.202405
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